King of B.S. is a game where you fabricate definitions and descriptions about random topics. This app fetches random articles from Wikipedia along with the first sentence of their description. You can click on an article to toggle the title or description, in case you need a starting point on which to base your descriptions. Swipe an item away to immediately fetch a new one.
Pick a title and start making stuff up about it! There really are no rules or a clear winner, as long as you\'re having fun. Some variants say that the winner is whoever can go the longest without laughing. Others might have one person be a judge of the topic and have other people make up facts before picking one as the winner. Feel free to invent your own variant!
Raja B.S. adalah permainan di mana Anda membuat definisi dan deskripsi tentang topik acak. Aplikasi ini menjemput artikel acak dari Wikipedia bersama dengan kalimat pertama dari deskripsi mereka. Anda dapat mengklik pada sebuah artikel untuk mengaktifkan judul atau keterangan, dalam kasus Anda perlu titik awal yang menjadi dasar deskripsi Anda. Geser item pergi untuk segera mengambil yang baru.
Pilih judul dan mulai membuat hal-hal tentang hal itu! Benar-benar tidak ada aturan atau pemenang yang jelas, selama Anda kembali \ 'bersenang-senang. Beberapa varian mengatakan bahwa pemenangnya adalah siapa pun bisa pergi terpanjang tanpa tertawa. Orang lain mungkin memiliki satu orang menjadi hakim topik dan memiliki orang lain membuat fakta-fakta sebelum memilih salah satu sebagai pemenang. Jangan ragu untuk menciptakan varian Anda sendiri!
King of B.S. is a game where you fabricate definitions and descriptions about random topics. This app fetches random articles from Wikipedia along with the first sentence of their description. You can click on an article to toggle the title or description, in case you need a starting point on which to base your descriptions. Swipe an item away to immediately fetch a new one.
Pick a title and start making stuff up about it! There really are no rules or a clear winner, as long as you\'re having fun. Some variants say that the winner is whoever can go the longest without laughing. Others might have one person be a judge of the topic and have other people make up facts before picking one as the winner. Feel free to invent your own variant!